Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Learn the difference between copyrights registered and unregistered

The United States Copyright Office has a wealth of information on copyright laws and procedures, but the question remains whether you should register a copyright, if you create something tangible that can qualify for a copyright.

Look To find out, let's first, what the U. S. Copyright Office, said an author is actually: "Copyright is a form of protection in the U.S. Constitution is based, fixed by law for original works of loans copyrightin a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works. "Http: / / www.copyright (from November 26, 2006 From:. Gov / help / faq / faq-general.html # protect)

Now there are two main types of intellectual property rights: registered and unregistered. Let's take a look at the differences between the two.

A non-registered copyright is automatically sent to the author or creator of an original moment that the work given to bring in tangible form. OtherWords, once created the work, in physical form (such as an article, book, manuscript, pictures, etc.). If you created an original work, it will automatically hold a copyright in the work.

In fact, the work is not even to be complete in order to be registered in a non-copyrighted. For example, if you write an article, and you have five digits written, but the article is ten numbers, after every word, every paragraph,a part of this article is already under a copyright registered. The same goes for a novel, manuscript, or any other type of work unfinished. Photos are copyrighted minutes snapped the photo, and then on film, and then print or copy thereof is also protected by copyright under a copyright registered.

Now, the ideas can not be copyrighted, registered or unregistered. For example, if it is a concept for a novel, the draft of the novel, the authorprotected. The idea for the act or action is not subject to copyright. For articles, the idea of a subject of an article to be protected by copyright. For photography, the scene or the idea of the body how to make the picture as one can be a problem, etc., are not protected by copyright. Only the work itself can be an automatic non-copyright registered.

So, if an author is not registered is automatically created to produce any real work on the following way granted, why bother with the registration of aCopyright?

According to the U.S. Copyright Office, "Registration is recommended for a number of reasons. Many choose to register their works because they were made of their copyright on the public record and would like a certificate of registration. This may work for statutory damages and attorneys 'fees' in the litigation of success. Finally, if the registry within 5 years after publication, is prima facie evidence in courtAct. "(From 26 November 2006: http://www.copyright. Gov / help / faq / faq-general.html # protect)

To date, the registration of a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office provides a public report on ongoing work, which makes known to the public that you created. You can also search the registry of copyright statutory damages in court if someone were to steal your work and claim as their own. One must understand that the actual damages can be awarded, with orwithout registration of copyright, but registration is required for damage law. Registration of copyright also protects against the importation of works protected by international copyright laws.

Copyright actual registration costs about $ 45 for everything except magazines and periodicals. This is submitted to a one-time fee, which provides a copyright registration in the workplace, as they are received.

Only you can decide whether to pay for the registration of an author of costs and time to do it. I personallynot to register a copyright on all articles of mine, but I do all my books and manuscripts. For poetry, I usually fill my poems in a volume of nature, and you register the copyright for the entire volume, is to protect my poems are not stolen and used without authorization, but not of the right 'author of each poem.

Care agencies to be registered like this: http://www.gocopyright.com/ to this offer, the copyright for you. Technically, these sites areScam sites are not for actually doing a service, but will charge you for something you can do very easy to do ourselves. To register a copyright, you have to do is fill out the form and brought it to us with your $ 45 do not have to pay any tax as others do it for you.

The decision to register the copyright or not to you. If you plan to present your work in a large group of people, for example through the Internet, agents or publishers or RelocationCheck statements online for others or read, you should consider backing up the registration of an author before this. Most agents and publishers are reliable, where do your homework and you really need to make your work for copyright protection, before registering. In fact, if the manuscript for publication will be collected, the possibility of publishing the draft law for the registration of copyright under the foot process of publication. And 'certainly worthQuestion of when an offer publishing contracts is made, if it is registered or is not included.

In the end, is really all about what you are going to work, it was created and how much weight you think that the work done to win. The copyright of articles for use of the Internet is probably not viable, and the standard unregistered automatic copyright law should be sufficient. Of course, the downside is that you have found a greater burden of proof when someone stealsTheir works, in order to prove that they are the original author, if it is not necessary to register copyright for your articles. For larger or more works, which will receive the attention even more, or are in print form, record of protecting copyrights.

Note that you need if you are a writer read the Terms of blog sites, you can be part of attention. Several blog sites, you have your waiver of copyright and attribution to the blog site, once you've written the article.Web sites that do this, attention, poems, articles or other things you could use to others, like you might find you have no right to do if the article is published on a blog for a site that asks you to transfer copyright to the site. Be very careful with your copyrights in your writings tangible because it is very easy to discover accidentally assign the copyright to someone else, making it impossible to use the pieceelsewhere.

A final word about copyright protection ... If you use a pseudonym or a nickname, you know that the use of fictitious names actually affect your copyright. Once registered the copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office, you have two options when you use a pseudonym to write the works.

1) You can register the copyright holder under your real name. The example of the U.S. Copyright Office, there is: For example: "Judith Barton, whose pseudonym is MadelineGazza
In this way reveal your true identity, you should do a search in the archives of copyright.

2) You can register copyright under your pseudonym, as if it were your real name. This set up is done by people who do not want the real identity is in the Copyright Office records.

According to the U.S. Copyright Office, of a pseudonym change the concept of copyright as follows: "If the author is not in the records of the Copyright Office, wereThe protection of copyright is 95 years from publication, or 120 years after its creation, whichever expires according to the first term. If the identity of the author followed in the records of the Copyright Office, duration of copyright is then revealed to the author's life plus 70 years. "

These are mostly smaller objects or Web content rarely fight a copyright infringement in court. Most of the time, the person who knows a plagiarism or stealing the work that has been stolen and is usuallyImmediately remove references to your work or work in a publication if they are caught stealing, and asked to do so. Most cases concern violations of copyright longer works, screenplays or novels in which someone has received substantial cash payments from work, and someone else claimed the work was not of them from the beginning.

Copyright infringement occurs. Some courts have opinions on the creation date of the document is based on the computer confirmed, but isensure. The truth is the best thing to do if your copyright is being violated, just ask the person who stole the works it can no longer use. By publishing online, and do not comply, find out which hosts their site and ask the guest to the United States to remove the right of American authors. Most of the time shows that this is sufficient for smaller jobs on the Internet.

The copyright of the poor ... It 'a common belief that you can create a "poor mancopyright 'of sealing and mailing your copy of this letter for yourself. Some judges may accept this as evidence for the timely preparation and some perhaps not, but the point here still do not allow you to search for certain statutory damages in court if the author did not authorize, but is instead a poor man 'right author.

The best thing is to determine the level of profitability is expected that the real object that you created in order to be in the future. Some authors actually compile all of theirObjects in a document and save the document at the end of each year. Once again, the registry, the article does not separately, but it shows how to secure the author's original work. This is particularly important in the Internet era, when many things are copied and pasted on the Internet. However, all copyright registration, what you write is probably $ 45.00 for the recording is not feasible for the articles and authors website.

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